The Healing Power of Whole Plant-Based Medicinal Promises High Payback for Marijuana Seeds Businesses
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The Healing Power

The marijuana seeds business in Canada is currently witnessing a whopping increase in profit. And while this has much to do with the shortage of cannabis following up the Cannabis Act coming into force as of October 2018, the enterprising business owners are gradually into better understanding the gigantic gains of selling cannabis seeds associated with the healing power of whole plant-based medicinals vs. single-molecule, isolated, synthetic active compounds.

As a matter of fact, it was all the way back in early 2015 when a groundbreaking study from Israel published in the journal Pharmacology &Pharmacy reported solid evidence on the superior therapeutic properties of the whole plant extracted Cannabidiol (CBD), as opposed to single-molecule cannabidiol (CBD). Not the least, when treating cancer sufferers and epilepsy sufferers with isolated cannabinoids vs. whole plant-based medicinals, researchers have found solid evidence on whole plant medicinals showcasing way higher therapeutic properties. Even minors suffering from epilepsy are treated with CBD Oil that also contains small amounts of THC, as this has proved to bring the best results for curbing seizures.

Challenging the Big Pharma’s notions promoting single-molecule cannabis compounds as much more efficient and pure than the supposedly low-grade and low-effective, “crude” botanical preparations, the revolutionary study headed by a team of experts from the University of Jerusalem, Israel, created waves of massive euphoria among cannabis enthusiasts, advocates, medical, occasional, recreational users, as well as marijuana entrepreneurs alike.

More importantly, this is not the only study that has already put the benefits of whole cannabis plant-based medicinals in the very spotlights of public attention.

But with the ongoing fuss, hype, confusion, and nonetheless, struggle, for businesses to keep up with all things cannabis-related, and especially innovations in the field of marijuana, many keep failing to realize what the whole plant-based medicinals actually mean when it comes to future profit from the cannabis business niche.

Shortly put, in the following decades’ cannabis seeds are bound to regain their most deserved place as the ultimate superheroes of the evolving pot industry, so businesses willing to expand their horizons and bathe in high profit will be on the right track by choosing to sell cannabis seeds.

The Cannabis Plant: A Complex Symphony of Active Compounds

Did you know that there are over 500 active compounds produced by the cannabis plant, consisting of active cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids?

So far, scientists have been able to identify well over 113 active cannabinoids, yet what most of the cannabis experts, users, and entrepreneurs know about these compounds is only the very tip of the iceberg.

The two most abundant and most famous active cannabinoids are THC and CBD, the Ying and Yang of cannabis. But it is not merely THC or merely CBD that make it possible for people to experience a whole array of highly therapeutic and pleasurable effects after consuming marijuana.

Currently, scientists are progressively into studying other active cannabinoids that are typically found only in small amounts in cannabis, such as CBN (Cannabigerol), CBG (Cannabigerol), CBC (Cannabichromene), and THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin), just to name a few.

Meanwhile, there are over 200 terpenes produced by the cannabis plant. These tiny aromatic molecules are released naturally by the cannabis plant for protecting the cannabis flowers from pests and disease, as well as for the purpose of attracting pollinators. It is terpenes that give different cannabis strains their unique aroma and flavor profile. But apart from all these essential “duties,” terpenes were also discovered to contribute to the healing and therapeutic properties of cannabis, as presented in “the entourage effect” theory.

Just recently, in the summer of 2019, High Times magazine published yet another intriguing article on the lesser-known active compounds found in cannabis, namely flavonoids. As it turns out, flavonoids are no less important when it comes to experiencing the best that the ancient cannabis plant has to offer.

Belonging to a different family of cannabis compounds altogether, flavonoids, and in particular, “Cannaflavin A” and “Cannaflavin B” were found to provide more effective anti-inflammatory benefits than aspirin. To be more precise, Cannaflavin A and Cannaflavin B were found to be 30 times more efficient than aspirin when it comes to treating pain caused by inflammatory-related issues. Wow, thrilling news isn’t it?! Well, guess what, it is actually even more thrilling to realize that researchers knew of the potent pain relief properties of Cannaflavin A and Cannaflavin B all the way back in the 80s. Yet it wasn’t until just recently that researchers finally managed to discover HOW these amazing flavonoids are actually produced by the cannabis plant.

And while drug manufacturers can’t wait to start developing what is thought to be the most effective and safest pain relief medicines in the entire history of mankind, the visionary, open-minded individuals and companies alike involved in the cannabis business sector are able to sense another direction where the profitable wind of change is blowing towards marijuana seeds trade.

Selling Cannabis Seeds = Changing the World for the Better!

It is not only the opioid epidemic that experts are trying to solve by in-depth studies of the cannabis seed and the cannabis plant.

What about epilepsy sufferers?

What about cancer sufferers?

What about migraines sufferers?

What about HIV sufferers?

What about elderly people who are literally forced to live in pain due to hard-to-treat with conventional medication issues, such as osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis?

What about glaucoma sufferers?

What about anorexia sufferers?

What about the millions of people globally who are trapped in the vicious spiral of desperately trying to find balance in personal and business life, while suffocated by high levels of stress?

What about PTSD sufferers?

What about ADHD sufferers?

What about Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Crohn’s disease sufferers?

What about people who use cannabis as medicine daily as a preventative means against various diseases?

And ultimately, what about love?

What does love have to do with all the people who are trapped in unequal battles with various diseases, you may ask?

The cannabis seed is pure Universal Love in its embryonic form. The cannabis culture is all about love and peace, for cannabis has never been a danger to humans’ health but instead, it is such a mighty, unparalleled weapon for mental and physical health alike, that we ended up fed with tons of ugly lies just for the sake of helping Big Pharma make big money.

But guess what? Canadians now have another option when it comes to maintaining and enhancing health. Most importantly, this option is all-natural, it is sustainable, and it is affordable. This option is cannabis, and in particular, the best one is growing cannabis from seed.

The truth is, the world is changing for the better, although skeptics would probably claim the opposite. Much like cannabis use, the way different people see the world is a highly subjective experience. But cannabis is challenging us to change the world for the better and to finally embrace a much more holistic approach to health and well-being. Scientists are passionately promoting the green medicine of the future, and many masterminds are working hard on establishing this much-needed, new, revolutionary medicine.

And in the meantime, people are glad, grateful, and excited to grow cannabis, even those who aren’t really that much into cannabis consumption find it inspiring to be able to grow such a powerful herb in their indoor or outdoor gardens. A cannabis seed sold is not merely more money into your business account. It is another step towards changing this world for the better.

Cannabis Whole Plant-Based Medicinals and High Paybacks for Marijuana Seeds Businesses

As Ethan Russo, one of the most brilliant neurologists of the 21st century, and a former medical advisor at GW Pharmaceuticals noted in an interview for Undark, Truth, Beauty, and Science, “Big Pharma does not understand botanical medicine.” Currently, Ethan Russo serves at the International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute as a director of research and development, and while there is still a very long way to go before the ancient wisdom and secrets of the cannabis plant are revealed, whole plant-based medicinals are confidently stepping in. People want to be able to medicate naturally, safely, and affordably, and isn’t this actually one of the most sacred human rights?

Vancoast Industries is delighted to provide a wide and fine selection of cannabis seeds at wholesale prices, but more importantly, we don’t believe in simply selling marijuana seeds, we believe in building a better, greener future together. You don’t need to rub the magic lamp and ask the genie to do your business a favor, at least not as far as selling cannabis seeds, and enjoying high paybacks is concerned.

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