How to Store Cannabis Seeds in Bulk the Right Way
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Storing Cannabis Seeds

When preparing to join the buzzing cannabis seeds business niche in Canada, the first step of what is about to turn into a glorious and highly profitable journey is to find reliable wholesale marijuana seeds partners to collaborate with.

Next, business owners should get down to selecting a fine variety of marijuana seeds that will make customers happily come back to purchase more over and over again. But before your cannabis seeds arrive and are ready for selling, you must make sure you will be able to store them the right way.

The rules for storing cannabis seeds in bulk are quite similar to storing a handful of seeds. However, there is a major difference, and it comes from the fact that purchasing marijuana seeds in bulk requires a bigger storage space than when dealing with only a limited amount of magic beans.

What are the Best Conditions for Storing Cannabis Seeds in Bulk?

As a rule of thumb, the ideal place to store marijuana seeds is a dry, cool, and dark location.

Provided there is an increase in temperature, increase in humidity, and/or direct light is in contact with cannabis seeds, this can easily lead to triggering the nutrients that are still patiently dormant, protected by the seeds’ durable shells.

In the case nutrients are triggered prior to germinating the seeds and planting these in the preferred growing medium, the tiny seeds will get to using these vital essentials before they ever get to “see” any soil or water. In return, this will decrease the seeds’ longevity. But what’s even worse, it can greatly decrease their quality.

Needless to say, quality should be your top priority, as for your best business’ sake, you cannot afford to disappoint your customers since doing so will certainly affect marijuana seeds sales adversely.

1. Humidity Rules for Storing Cannabis Seeds: Keep Humidity below 12%.

To store bulk cannabis seeds the right way, start by making sure that the humidity in the storage space falls between 6% and 9%.

It is crucial to note that Vancoast Industries’ wholesale cannabis seeds come in high-quality packaging that makes up for controlling humidity levels within the best rates an effortless task. In fact, many of our clients have reported that when seeds are kept in their original packaging at all times and simply placed into suitable medical-grade glass packaging for extra control of humidity levels, managing humidity rates are deprived of any issues or fuss.

Still, it is important to keep humidity levels below 12% at all times. The higher the humidity, the shorter the cannabis seeds’ longevity, so you need to act accordingly. A humidity meter will help you keep excellent track of humidity levels in the storage area, and humidity packs can be very helpful if higher humidity rates than the recommended ones are what you are dealing with.

Our friendliest piece of advice is not to remove cannabis seeds from their original packaging. If you are determined to do so anyways, transfer the seeds into medical-grade glass packaging immediately, or else, if seeds are left out of their excellent packaging, humidity can easily affect them and lead to the development of fungi.

2. Best Temperature for Storing Cannabis Seeds are Stable Temperatures

Preserving the quality of bulk cannabis seeds by storing them properly is not a difficult task, and especially as far as best storage temperatures are concerned. Cannabis seeds can tolerate very well quite a range of temperatures without having their quality and/or lifespan negatively affected.

However, even though a rather wide range of temperatures can work excellently for the preservation of bulk cannabis seeds, temperatures should be best kept stable. Even opening up the storage area for a few seconds can lead to potentially damaging fluctuations in temperature, especially if you are to open up the storage area multiple times a day.

With this in mind, business owners who are diving into the profitable cannabis seeds niche should best ensure a separate fridge for storing bulk marijuana seeds away from any other products. Or at least ensure that the fridge you store cannabis seeds in is not to be opened frequently. The cold environment of a fridge will slow down degradation rates.

As far as the storage of cannabis seeds that are displayed in your store is concerned, do make sure that they will be kept away from direct light, apart from maintaining stable temperatures and keeping humidity below 12%. For instance, a dark cupboard can work perfectly fine, but that warm countertop is definitely a big NO.

Your best move is not to expose cannabis seeds to temperatures above 20 Celsius (68 Fahrenheit).

3. Do not Store Cannabis Seeds in Bulk in the Freezer.

Many cannabis enthusiasts keep their cannabis seeds in the freezer, and while this is not a bad idea for the average cannabis grower, it is not the best move for your business’ sake.

The thing is, when cannabis seeds are frozen, this can easily rupture the seeds’ cells found within, and that is especially common if there is any excess moisture in the seeds. While our wholesale cannabis seeds’ menu boasts of seeds that are neatly placed in excellent packaging without a trace of excess moisture, the better you ensure there isn’t even the slightest chance of decreasing the seeds’ quality, the higher the paybacks for your business.

If cannabis seeds are stored in the freezer, you should be prepared that some of the seeds may turn out to be nonviable.

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