DIY Cannabis Beverages Open New Opportunities for Cannabis Seeds Retailers in Canada
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DIY Cannabis Beverages

According to the German online portal Statista engaged in compiling the data collected by opinion and market research institutes, as well as the data from the economic sector for the purpose of providing official statistics in English, German, French and Spanish, about 57% of current cannabis-infused beverages users in Canada as of March 2019 stated that do consume cannabis-laced tea at least once every three months.

And while marijuana businesses are competing to come up with more alluring cannabis-infused drinks to satisfy the consumers’ demands, DIY beverages open up new opportunities for cannabis seeds retailers in Canada, as well as in other countries where both medical and recreational use of weed is decriminalized and/or fully legalized.

The Regulations on Canada’s Cannabis-Infused Drinks and other Edibles

Health Canada said that “a greater variety” of cannabis-infused products is bound to emerge in 2020. Meanwhile, the official sales of cannabis-laced beverages in Canada are expected to start at some point in December 2019.

Further guidance from Health Canada highlights that before a wide variety of new cannabis-infused drinks and treats become available to purchase, a certain amount of time must first pass.

Ultimately, it is crystal clear that the amount of THC (the psychoactive compound in cannabis) will not be allowed to exceed a total of 10 mg per package, even though this does not really validate a “safe” dose but instead, aims to limit the risks related with overconsumption and/or accidental consumption.

Of course, whether an individual will choose to take more than 10 mg per serving is a strictly personal matter of choice, as different people have a different tolerance to cannabis. With this in mind, 10 mg THC per package is not a “standard serving size” for the potently psychoactive cannabinoid THC. In fact, Health Canada advises novice cannabis consumers to start with as little as 2.5 mg THC per serving and only choose to consume more after allowing at least 3 hours to pass before the full effects kick in.

Further regulation on edibles in Canada includes plain and child-resistant packaging, as well as a clearly labeled list of ingredients, including Nutrition Facts and allergens.

Cannabis-infused beverages and other edible treats are not allowed to contain added vitamins and/or minerals, and cannot contain either alcohol or nicotine. On top of that, products are allowed to contain only a limited amount of caffeine.

A healthy warning message and a standardized symbol for the products containing THC are also obligatory. The exact amount of THC/CBD must be stated on the label, alongside the equivalency to dried cannabis flowers because of the public possession limit.

Not the least, marijuana beverages must not come with any health or dietary claims, and the production of cannabis and food or drinks in the same facility is strictly prohibited.

There is a 60 day notice period for cannabis products, too.

All of these regulations are crucial for the purpose of reducing any possible health risks associated with cannabis, as well as displacing the illicit cannabis market, and nonetheless, providing a broad diversity of cannabis products that have been manufactured under strict quality control.

And while many business owners are now anticipating the rise of the cannabis beverages market to enjoy sufficient profits at some point in the foreseeable future, others have already spotted the perfect opportunity for massive business growth that remains somewhat hidden in the shadows of public attention: cannabis seeds sales.

The Number of Canadians Indulging in Cannabis-Infused Drinks Keeps Growing

Some 32% of respondents who took part in Statista’s survey on the consumption of marijuana-laced beverages as of March 2019 shared that they currently indulge in carbonated cannabis drinks, while the percent of likely consumers of the same type of drinks is set at 43%.

46% of the respondents said that they are currently opting for other forms of cannabis-laced beverages, such as drops, elixirs, and mixes, while the number of likely users of the same category of cannadrinks is estimated at 47%.

Cannabis-infused lemonades, fruit drinks, and iced tea have already allured a good portion of 49% of the respondents, with 47% claiming that they are likely to try out this type of marijuana drink in the following months.

The traditional hot tea that people all across the globe adore is, unsurprisingly, the winner in the cannabis-laced beverages category, with another 53% respondents claiming that they have not tried it yet but are highly likely to do so, thus, joining the solid 57% of the respondents who are currently enjoying a hot cup of pot tea.

The major conclusions of the intriguing pieces of data shared by Statista are actually nothing that marijuana businesses do not already know. The edibles market is expected to hit unparalleled numbers in revenue but before this happens, there is a long and challenging way to go.

While agencies, marketers, and brands, and companies are competing who’s going to get the biggest piece of the cake when it comes to the potential profits from selling cannabis-infused beverages, cannabis users are looking into a completely different direction: DIY marijuana beverages.

There are numerous, hard to outperform benefits of embracing a DIY attitude when it comes to enjoying a refreshing cup or glass of a delicious cannabis-infused drink.

The cost-effectiveness of DIY cannabis drinks should not be underestimated but there is more to that. Considering the strict regulations on marijuana-laced beverages and other treats in Canada, getting down to mixing your very own canna-cocktail or canna-mocktail seems like the best idea ever, and in fact, in the still shaping cannabis business market in the country, it might just as well be the most preferred option for cannabis consumers.

Growing Cannabis from Seed and the Joy of DIY Cannabis Beverages

Cannabis seeds retailers in Canada should better be aware of the sincere, genuine needs and demands of their customers.

And what cannabis consumers want is to be able to enjoy the best that the ancient cannabis plant has to offer without having to constantly rely on external factors.

The bright, green future more and more people now crave to establish is all about the sense of community, sharing, caring, and belonging.

The time is ticking for people to finally find a way to get closer to and with the living nature, and to re-establish the sacred relationship with the precious living plants, animals, and soil, for this invaluable relationship has been under “diligent” destruction within the last century or so. Wildlife extinction, plastic pollution, air pollution, and the climate crisis are just part of the issues that mankind needs to resolve within the next decade, or else, we will not make it into the new centuries. These drastic changes leave a deep imprint on people’s attitude and behavior to holistic health, the green medicine of the future, and nonetheless, herbal plants of all kinds, cannabis included. People have become thirsty and hungry for natural health solutions, and for natural, sustainable ways to entertain and relax.

Moreover, people want to be free to experiment with homemade treats and remedies, no matter if it comes to cannabis-laced beverages or non-cannabis laced delicacies. People are eager to get creative, and to have the freedom to mix their own healing, leisure, and/or entertainment time drinks using the amount and type of ingredients that suit their unique personal needs, preferences, and demands best.

Some need a far higher dosage than 10 mg THC to experience the desired effects upon consuming a cannabis-laced beverage, while others wish to enjoy a modest, well-working combination of both alcohol and cannabis, which is something that Canadian cannabis edibles regulations strictly prohibit when it comes to the cannadrinks and treats available in stores.

Furthermore, cannabis-laced beverages are not allowed to contain any additional vitamins and/or minerals. There are also limits posed on caffeine content, while every average cannabis user will tell you that caffeine + cannabis is a mighty, all-time favorite duo, so many are sure to prefer to easily and quickly prep a cup of weed coffee at the very comfort of their homes.

All of that being said, there will always be plenty of room for commercial-scale cannabis-infused drinks on the market. But the truth is, people do want to be self-sufficient, and relying on the marijuana-laced drinks available in stores is definitely very far away from self-sufficiency. Not to mention that anything homemade always feels better, doesn’t it?

From mixing craft beer and cannabis through prepping the perfect Sunday weekend rosemary, sparkling wine, raspberry, and marijuana cocktail, DIY cannabis beverages might be just on the very rise but they are here to stay. And as every creative soul and healthy lifestyle-minded individual knows fair well, a drink made with fresh herbs from your garden is the pearl in the crown of one’s proudly homegrown and homemade masterpieces that simply have no equivalent.

DIY Cannabis Beverages and the New Opportunities for Marijuana Seeds Retailers: The Wrap-Up

The benefits and joy of growing cannabis from seed and DIY cannabis beverages are not what the marijuana industry is focused on, at least not as of now.

There are tons of essential details regarding the regulation and availability of cannabis products in Canada that are yet to be resolved.

But in the meantime, the open-minded business owners have already chosen one of the profitable directions to focus their time and efforts into selling cannabis seeds to medical and recreational marijuana users alike who are eager to learn more about what growing gorgeous cannabis plant has to offer at a fraction cost.

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